Al Gore kempen besar-besaran hak asasi kaum Gay!

Sekiranya anda menaip search engine (yahoo) dengan mencari kata kunci "Al Gore Gay", anda akan berjumpa dengan pelbagai artikel berkaitan dengan kempen Al Gore supaya rakyat Amerika memberi hak asasi kepada kaum gay, termasuk haknya untuk berkahwin sesama jenis.

Video Al Gore menyokong Gay yang diucapkan pada 17 Januari 2008 menjadi berita yang paling kontoversi. Transkrit video itu seperti berikut;

I think it’s wrong for the government to discriminate against people because of that person’s sexual orientation.

I think that gay men and women ought to have the same rights as heterosexual men and women, to make contracts, to have hospital visiting rights, to join together in marriage, and I don’t understand why it is considered by some people to be a threat to heterosexual marriage to allow it by gays and lesbians.

Shouldn’t we be promoting that kind of faithfulness and loyalty to one’s partner regardless of sexual orientation? Because if you don’t do that then to that extent you are promoting promiscuity and you are promoting all the problems that can result from promiscuity.

And the loyalty and love that two people feel for one another when they fall in love ought to be celebrated and encouraged, and shouldn’t be prevented by any form of discrimination in the law.

Video Al Gore ini disebarkan secara meluas terutamanya di website Freedom to Marry. Klik di sini

Freedom to Marry adalah satu perjuangan Kebebasan kepada kaum homoseks dan tidak homoseks untuk berkongsi persamaan perkahwinan. Dilancarkan pada 2003, diketuai oleh Evan Wolfson. Di peringkat nasional ia dinamakan "architect of the marriage equality movement" > Klik di sini

Berkaitan dengan sokongan Al Gore, Evan Wolfson berkata, "Al Gore, a true world leader, explains it perfectly. The freedom to marry is about protecting all families and promoting loyalty and love and commitment. As on so many crucial questions, Gore gets it right, and shows what leadership really means."

Isu gay dan homoseksual merupakan isu utama di Amerika. Kebanyakan tokoh-tokoh parti Demokrat seperti Al Gore dan Obama menyokong hak asasi kaum Gay serta meluluskan perkahwinan sesama jenis untuk mendapat undi daripada kaum tersebut.


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